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قراءة المياه

the course is booked

انضم إلى ورشة العمل مجانًا


thank you!

Saturday 26th November

presentation of the results

info session recording

Thursday 27th October

ما هو



info session
for potential applicants and all interested
Thursday 27th October
session 1
Saturday 5th November
session 2
Saturday 12th November
session 3
Saturday 19th November
presentation results
Saturday 26th November
beyond the course café
Wednesday 30th November

course leaders

Eman Abdou
& the Nile

Helwan University

Eman Abdou is a visual artist and an assistant professor at the faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Egypt. Member of art POWA, Rhodes University.

Fay Stevens
& the Thames

University of Notre Dame

Archaeologist, academic, writer, curator and artist. Adjunct Associate Professor in Archaeology and Sustainability Studies at University of Notre Dame. Specialist in the philosophical school of phenomenology, the archaeology of water, theoretical landscape archaeology and sustainability.

collaborating on a map


introduction to the event
Tracey Benson
Thursday 27th October
session 1
Douglas E. Christie, Ph.D.
Saturday 5th November
Dr. Aliaa Rafea
Saturday 5th November
Dr. Omar Elhosseiny
Saturday 5th November
Mohamed Kamal
Saturday 5th November
session 2
Simon Linington
Saturday 12th November
Simon Beckman
Saturday 12th November
Monir El Shazly
Saturday 12th November
session 3
Rachel Lichtenstein
Saturday 19th November
Lisa Caulfield
Saturday 19th November
Niall Finneran
Saturday 19th November
Angus Graham
Saturday 19th November

coordination crew

Geert Vermeire

Geert Vermeire, Artist, Poet and Locative Media Expert. Co-founder of Supercluster non profit and walk · listen · create, team member of noTours and collaborator of escoitar, and core team member of CGeomap.

Simona Vermeire

Simona Vermeire, PhD in Comparative Literature, Post Doc Researcher in the Ontology of plants (Critical Plant Studies) Uminho University, PT. Specific research interest in the connection between literature, arts, and science and the concept of consilience.

Fred Adam

Location based media explorer, Co-founder of the CGeomap project and the Supercluster NGO, creator of the GPS Museum Database and member of the Oika network.

contact us

your name

your E-mail

Why would you like to participate ?

Tell us about you

how old are you ?


Reading Water is funded by the British Council’s Creative Commissions Egypt for COP27, which are designed as part of the Climate Connections programme.


Collaborative Locative Media

our mission

Supercluster invites world leading scholars and experts in the fields of ecology, humanities, sciences and arts, next to local and indigineous people, to enrich horizontal learning and group creation in processes with collaborative thinking about our planet, in the format of courses, workshops, games, and by creating locative media artworks.

what we do

We coordinate, organize and design collaboratively courses, workshops, educational games, collaborative projects and processes in an integrative approach to relationships with one another and with the more-than-human Earth via locative practices and locative media.
